"We are a moment, You are forever..."
We sang this in church today and it really made me think. What is our life? In perspective of the big picture, just a moment. While it's happening, life seems soooo long. It seems like that can be all there is. But in reality, our life is simply a glimpse. We have all of eternity in heaven with God. So why do we insist on getting caught in the moment? Why do constantly screw up? Why do we constantly push ourselves farther away from God for a brief pleasure? Why do we let temptation get the best of us? Because we are only human. We can't not sin. Every time we give into a little temptation and sin, we fall farther away from God. So why do we do it? Why do we risk our eternity in Heaven with God for a brief moment, for one thrill? For me, it's because I forget exactly what these lyrics reminded me. I forget that this life is simply a moment.
And today in church as I was singing praise to God, I just had to stop and think. I just had to stop and think about how small a moment is. I had to think about how much and how little can occur in a moment. I know one thing that is for sure. I want to do as much as I can in my moment for God. I want my moment to be for God. Not for me. I want God to be my forever. God is the only thing that can be forever. Everything else is of this world.
"You are the love song I'll sing forever..."